Friday, June 10, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Backwards

Got writers block?  Need to empty out the old noggin'?  Then you need to try 5 minute Friday over at The Gypsy Mama.  This is a hard one for some reason...Remember I ramble, I don't write, so don't expect too much... :)

I eat pizza backwards. Crust first...That is seriously all that is popping into my head right now!  But I guess if I really think about it I do a lot of things backwards in the eyes of the world. I married Aaron before I lived with him. I got married before I had a child. I got married at 21 rather than waiting until I was 32 and successful in a big career.  I decided to stay home with my child and pinch pennies and cut coupons rather than have 2 incomes and go to Disney World on vacation.  I consider being a stay-at-home mom the greatest job in the world, rather than saying "I am just a mom" when people ask me what I do.  I choose to follow my Heavenly Father's plan, rather than following the worlds "do as you please" attitude.  In the eyes of the world I am "backwards".  I don't give myself enough credit (the world says)-I could do so much more in life than "just being a mom".  I think the world is backwards.  


"No other success can compensate for failure in the home"-J.E. McCulloch. One of my all time favorite quotes....

I added the quote after the 5 minutes was up, but I had to it is what kept popping into my mind.  I have learned if things keep popping into your mind it isn't a coincidence, it is the Spirit trying to tell you someone else might need to hear it too.  Or it is the Holy Ghost reminding me that I need to focus and remember it in my life.  Either way, it is an awesome quote and I wanted to share it.  :)


  1. Carrie, thanks for taking the time and stopping by my blog. I so too believe things are not just coincidental and the Lord gives us what we need through others. I used to eat the crust first on my pizza too! Unlike you, I did things the worldly way (lived with my boyfriends, had kids without getting married) now I woudl say that is backwards in the eyes of our LORD and that is who I used to be. Like I said in my post today, I am not going back to that woman. I am inspired you do not conform to the world and give yourself more credit. Children are gifts from God and motherhood is the most important job there is! You are right, the world does have it backwards! I am so blessed to have met you today!

  2. Great post!!! You are such a good writer Carrie. I agree with what you said on my blog, I really wish we hadn't moved away in opposite directions of the country, but I am so thankful for blogs so that we can stay in touch and continue to move forward (although, as you said, the world sees it as backwards) in the same direction. I love the quote at the bottom!! My sister-in-law had a general authority visit her stake in Las Vegas and he talked about that quote and what it meant. He said that failure in a home happens when you stop trying. I loved that!!! It doesn't mean that you are failing if your home isn't perfect it just means that we can't ever give up.

  3. I love what you wrote, Carrie. Being backwards to the world is a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say. Good for you; you made the right decisions in your life.

    My husband and I went without so much so I could stay home with our children. We have never regretted it.

  4. Love it Carrie. I think being backwards today is not a bad thing!! Good for you! You are making better choices in His name and that is what matters most.
