Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Curse You Blogger Template Designer...

Almost home from vacation (at my sisters in DC)...Almost ready to post...SO, ready to change back to the Blogger classic template layouts and get back to cuter backgrounds...But every time I do all my blog lists DISAPPEAR!!!!!! No more Blog girls. No more private blogs. No more people I don't know but wish I did....AHHHHHHH! Help. I even asked Blogger for help. It was no help. SERIOUSLY?????!!!!????? Am I going to be doomed to copy and paste all of it?

Update: 8/19. We are home...ahhh. The vacation was wonderful and so is being home again. Jake is in bed and I am waiting for Aaron to get home from training and decided to blog...I couldn't resist! I figured it (it being the whole background thing) out. I am awesome. I just had to add the picture of Jake. I love it. I love that face with his summer freckles. "A face without freckles is like the sky without the stars..."-Natasha Beddingfield from her song Freckles. It was my ring tone last summer when Jake decided he didn't like his freckles...It changed his mind.
Expect pictures (my normal HUGE amount of pictures) and details soon...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, and what a handsome freckled face boy he is. Maren is in love with having freckles now too, thanks to a book I got her, and she only has a few. We call them angel kisses :)
