Saturday, July 17, 2010

Meet My New Hair Stylist:

None other than Elizabeth Gariety the Jack of all trades! (Never really understood that saying but it works.)

I was back into my old "wear it in a pony tail every stinkin' day" phase so it was time for a chop. I have a hard time paying for haircuts. All my favorite haircuts have been free. Seriously. In high school I let my friend Chandler cut my hair after school one day. He was a good artist so I figured it would translate into my hair. It worked. At UNCG a friend of mine who was also a great artist cut it and did a fine job. In Utah my roommate was going to cosmetology school and needed a guinea pig. I obliged and loved it. My wonderful sister-in-law had her hair dresser cut my hair as my Christmas gift. She was a professional so it was awesome! And again no money out of my pocket. I however have a hard time going back after six weeks and doing it again. I am a cut-short-grow-it-as-long-as-I-can-stand-it-aholic. Look it up people. It exists. In my world at least. I will add it to the list of all my other odd habits and call it good. My latest stylist is none other than Elizabeth Gariety. You have seen her here before. We got our fake nails together. We have a strange love/hate relationship with the Twilight movies. We love them! And we love to pick a part all the crossing eyes scenes, cheesy lines that include the word "Spidermonkey", and the are you constipated or do you love him faces? We were Bella (the actress playing her) haters. She looks the part but, her acting abilities are questionable. But she didn't go crossed eyed once in Eclipse so she is growing on us. Would you agree Elizabeth?...Wait a minute....And I am bringing it back to what I was actually talking about right- now...Any way! I have been thinking about chopping my hair again and Elizabeth offered-so I am back to a short bob, and my neck is breathing a sigh of relief. I am convinced, though Aaron says it's not true, that I am losing my hair. Seriously! It feels so much thinner than it used to and that scares me. But that all so makes shorter do's work better for me. I still haven't taken the time to actually have Aaron take a pic of my new do so the, me holding the camera out, shots will have to do for now. Thanks go out to my new stylist extraordinaire Elizabeth!

The before...Really? Friends don't let friends go too long between cuts and have strange layers going on everywhere....

In the process...

And the Results....(drum roll please.....)

So, I thought you would be able to see the back from this angle...
And the front from an oddly high angle...
Special thanks to our camera man Norb who took time out of getting ready for Scout camp to document this occasion. He took several others but I had to narrow it down. So, another words these are as good as it gets. (No offense Norb. I am not knocking your mad skills. Just the subject in some very unattractive angles. The ones I posted are already bad enough. And of course to our make-up artist Morgan who loved my make up compact and was awesome enough to see that one make up sponge is not as good as three. The littler piece you made me work great around my eyes! Thanks again for the make up tips! How cute is she???


  1. I LOVE the haircut! It looks great on you!

  2. Carrie! I love your haircut!!! I love reading your blog! But, of course, I am suppose to be in bed now (because the only time I get to read and enjoy are after the kiddos are asleep) so I can't comment on everything or even read all that I want right now. So now I will save the rest for later. I need to catch up for all my vacation time without internet (VT and CO).

    Oh, side case I don't talk to you real soon. The kiddos will probably be starting with the Virtual Virginia Academy via K12 on the 9th of August. I just found out the date tonight...good thing Heavenly Father was paying better attention than me. But a good note...if I get the kiddos started, we might be able to head up right after....

    love ya!

  3. Carrie,
    Your hair is adorable. I love it. I can tell that you are losing weight too now that I can see your face better. Keep up the great work.
