Friday, April 23, 2010

Several why's and a couple of where's

1. Why is it so hard to keep up with tweezers and finger nail clippers? I always need them, but can never find them. I am going to start carrying them in my bag. Then I will always know where they are. (Yes my bags are back. I couldn't cope with out all the necessities.)

2. Why am I sooo tired after working just a couple days a week? I am a cashier not a coal miner, lumber jack, or...some other profession that seems tiring!

3. Why do people use their EBT cards (food stamps are on a debit card called EBT) to buy $150 worth of junk food and soda and then they pay for their cigarettes, (that are, by the way, around $5 a pack!) and booze with a wad of cash after that! If they didn't buy the latter they would have money to buy their junk food!

4. Why can't I cook fun food like they do on cooking shows and magically not have a messy kitchen?

5. Where do all the sharpened pencils go? I sharpen like a million for Jake to have all ready to do his homework and they all vanish and all that we can find are ones with dull tips and barely any eraser!

6. Why is it impossible to keep up with laundry lately? I feel like there is always something that needs to be washed...and along the same lines...

7. Where do socks go when you put them in the dryer? I seriously could wash just one pair of socks (I wouldn't do that of course) and then put them in the dryer and when I open the dryer there will inevitably only be one sock!!! What happens to its mate? And when I finally give up and toss the one that lost its mate, why then does the other one show up in the dryer out of no where????

Okay this isn't a why or a where, but am I the only one who thinks of these random things?


  1. Ok seriously, I was blown away at all these new pictures!!! Jake I swear has grown up like crazy the past few months! He isn't the little boy I remember, he is a little man! I loved the new posts, it looks like you guys are having a blast. We bought our plane tickets to come out on June 30th for my friend's wedding. We are flying in to Charlotte so we will need to get together! Tell Jake hi for us!

  2. Carrie you crack me up! I love your blog. I think you would laugh really hard if you saw how many 'lonely' socks made it into our luggage when we moved...and the huge pile continues to migrate around the house as I try and unpack stuff. The sad part is I don't know if the dryer here will be able to magically bring back all of the mates that somehow went missing in Uruguay.

    And I totally can relate to the pencil thing! And pens for that matter! I packed sharpened pencils for the move (yes, I am crazy but I wanted to make sure the kiddos would have them ready especially to start school...ok, writing this out makes it sound really OCD! but it seemed like a good is amazing what simple household things you miss when you have just moved and the new place is nice and clean and empty...and empty) and tons of pens to have ready (because last time when I traveled I forgot anything to write with all together and try filling out customs forms with a squirming baby, tons of bags and nothing to write with.) Somehow all of my writing utensils are all missing so at the doctors Friday I actually had to borrow one...
