Sunday, July 5, 2009

The last day of 2nd grade

I can't believe that the last day of 2nd grade has come and gone...Where does the time go? It was another great year in Marlow Mustang Country and a bitter sweet last day. We couldn't really tell everyone goodbye because we very well could still be there when it starts back up in the fall! I love Jake's school! Jake loves his school too. He has grown so much in the past 2 years at Marlow. Where else can you get out of the car in the morning to all the "parent volunteer car door openers" wearing bunny ears the week before Easter. Or have "Captain Veggie Man" (a parent that is also a local Youth Pastor who has a hysterical costume he made...) come into the cafeteria and loudly remind them all to eat there veggies! Or have a "moment of silence" every morning right after the Pledge is said to take a minute to think of those who are less fortunate or are sick. Everyday when Jake got into the Jeep, I would ask how his day was and he would say "Great!". Music to my ears! Jake has made great friends and memories at Marlow.
Jake wanted me to make him breakfast bed on the last day of school and this is what I openned the door to find! Starting summer vacation early! (for the record he has not slept in at all yet this summer!)

Usually breakfast in bed is a little more exciting than cereal, but my alarm clock didn't wake me up that morning (Jake is my alarm clock). When I realized I had over slept a little I just knew Jake was waiting in the room for breakfast, but as you saw from the picture above that was not the case...

This is Mrs. Prescott, Jake's teacher who was wonderful!

Mrs. Scannell, Jake's assistant teacher who Jake said he wanted to take to 3rd grade with him.

Jake has gotten so tall! At the beginning of the school year I looked at the 3rd graders and thought they were so much bigger than the 2nd graders. They are and now Jake is too!

Jake wearing his summer vacation t-shirt...Ready for summer!

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