Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jake's school rocks!

I love Jake's school! They always have something fun going on. On Friday they had a "Bug Guy"there, that did magic tricks and talked about insects. Jake got to go up on stage and help with part of it. He was so excited! He was also wearing his PJ's that day because his class had received 100 compliments! They get rewarded by having a PJ party. The week before was the 100th day of school so they got to dress up like 100 year old people. For the month of March they are having a read-a-thon to raise money and to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday. To kick it all off they get to dress up as Dr. Seuss characters today. Mrs. King the principal even gets in on the fun! What an awesome school that remembers it is important to learn, but it is just as important to be a kid!

Jake on the 100th day of school...his bow tie is drooping a little. Notice the black socks...He wouldn't let me draw wrinkles on his face.

Here is Jake in his PJ's.

Jake as the boy with a "Wocket in his Pocket!"

A close up on the wocket...yes it is a sock-I procrastinated.

Jake and Mrs. King, as the cat in the hat!


  1. Man, Jake is a lucky kid. We never had anything fun like that when I was in grade school.---janae

  2. Carrie,
    You are so creative. That wocket is awesom.


  3. what an awesome idea!! You do have a great school...well...great teachers and people who care enough to get involved.


  4. You're so creative Carrie, this is so cute even if it's just a sock! We did have fun in Disney World. Lots of walking, but lots of fun!
